Sunday, August 2, 2015

#2getherwearebetter: BuLlEtIn BoArDs!!!!!

Hey friends!! It's Katie here! I am SO, SO, SO excited to be joining up with my friends Angie and Ashley #angley for the first time! This month we are talking about bulletin boards...and I have to be honest...I have put up my borders and what not...but not my content. BUT...we can talk about it!
BUT little man took his very first pony ride at the county fair this weekend. We weren't sure how he would do with it...but sure thing he was the one yelling in his cute little voice, "YES! YES! Ride!!!" Sorry...had to take a moment to gush about my mommy moments. #teachermommy

First up is the bulletin board in my desk area. I got rid of my teacher desk...but there is a built in area and I use my small group table to plan. BUT..that is for the September 2nd post. {I am PUMPED to read all those classroom reveal posts...squeee!}
I need to credit The Library Fox for my cute, custom mini-me!! Check out here store here.

On this bulletin board I put our curriculum map {that we haven't met to talk about yet...eek!} and any reminders for myself. I used fabric this year on two of my bulletin boards, and will need to get more fabric for the BIG one. I bordered it with tissue paper. I just really like the look {and price} of the tissue gets kind of poofy. 
{{This is why I changed to fabric....never will use the plain paper again!! Fade alert.}}
My next bulletin board is my birthday board. I used to put gift bags up and write the names of the kiddos on each bag....but last year I decided to print off a blank birthday hat template, let the students color them {and of course attach a cute little pom pom at the top} and glue a color picture of each student's smiling face. My students love when I tell them each year that this bulletin board needs to be completed by them. :) I also used fabric for this board and double bordered it.
I also have what the kids and I call the BIG board. This is where I house my reading and math focus walls as well as my calendar. I change the objectives, grammar, skills, etc.. depending on what we are working on. ALSO...I keep my brag tags hung in the lower part of this bulletin board. I make some of my own {{including personalized name brag tags for each student. This is such an important thing to do...I will never again have to investigate to figure out who left their brag tags on the back counter.}}but I also own Anige's from Lucky Little Learners.
I am also a huge fan of using non-traditional space as bulletin boards. I have a huge whiteboard in the front of my classroom and tape up paper and border to use as a bulletin board. This year it will house my CAFE board (new to me this year!!). I don't have a picture of that because due to the MN humidity it fell down!!
I use the area below our beloved classroom tree {more about that in the classroom reveal post} as a bulletin board of sorts. I put up our reading strategies as we learn them. {Soon to be a reading strategy poster set in my store...I've been working hard on those!!}
Thanks for stopping by!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katie,
    I too have discovered fabric on the bulletin boards, partly because of the fading and partly because of our fire marshall. :( I love how interactive your boards are. Mine are blank right now too, but with a bit of a purpose (that's what I like to tell myself). Thanks for sharing all your tips and I'll definitely be back to read your post on why you got rid of your teacher desk. :)
    Come visit. ~A from the Brain Ninjas
    Brain Ninja Notes
